ICA Symposium on Early Warning and
Disaster Risk Management for Urban Areas
in Big Data Era
2018 December 1st -3rd
Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, CHINA
The "ICA Symposium on Early Warning and Disaster Risk Management for Urban Areas in Big Data Era" is being reconvened following the success of the previous meetings. This series of symposiums aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and domain experts to share their research results on all aspects of Early Warning(EW) and Crises Management(CM). Recent major disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and landslides have resulted in huge losses in terms of human life and property destruction in urban areas. Therefore, policies, mechanisms and solutions to handle the increasing risk of disasters is urgently needed. Organizers would like to provide an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, challenges and practical solutions of EW and CM for Urban Areas in the Big Data Era.
Meeting of Commission on Cartography on Early Warning and Crisis Management ,June 19 at 6:00 PM, Flagman Hotel ,Sozopol, Bulgaria.
Dear friends,
The Meeting of Commission on Cartography on Early Warning and Crisis Management will be hold during Sozopol conference on June 19 at 6:00 PM. in Flagman hotel. Participation of commission members and as well as wide publicity is warmly welcome. Members and friends of the commission, participating in the conference are also invited to participate in the seminar co-organized by our commission which will be hold on June 19 at 2:30-6:00 PM (in two blocks) and continues on June 20 from 8:30-10:00 AM.
Kunming Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management titled „Cities of the Future: Smart, Resilient and Sustainable”. Kunming, Yunnan province, China. May 10-12 2017.
Kunming Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management titled „Cities of the Future: Smart, Resilient and Sustainable” was held on May 10-12 2017 in Kunming, Yunnan province, China. Comission chairman and first deputy chairman prof. Liu Jipping delivered speeches titled Selected Smart Cities Geospatial Challenges in the Big Data Era (Konecny) and Technologies and Application in China s National Geographic Conditions Monitoring for Urban Development. In conference was clerify emergency management as an very important part of the Smart City concept, mainly in combination with urban planning and sustainable development. Big data are giving new analyses, interpretation and visualization potentials for finding smart solutions. In the event also important persons realizing GGIM participated, like Mr. Tao CheeHai from U.N. Statistics Division, Mr. Gregg Scott,Inter-Regional Advisor, GGIM and Timothy Trainor, Chief Geospatial Scientist from US Census Bureau. On Chinese side were many important representatives, like Dr. Li Pengde, Deputy Director General, National Administration of Surveying, Mapping, and Geoinformation of China (NASG), Prof. Chen Jun, first vice-presiddent of ISPRS and others.

from left to right: Wang Yong, Liu Jiping, Milan Konecny, Li Pengde, Gregg Scott and Timothy Trainor.
XIII International Exhibition and Scientific Congress OPEN-SOURCE GEOSPATIAL SOLUTIONS FOR PUBLIC BENEFITS. 19–21 April, 2017. Novosibirsk, Russia.
XIII International Exhibition and Scientific Congress OPEN-SOURCE GEOSPATIAL SOLUTIONS FOR PUBLIC BENEFITS was held on 19–21 April, 2017 in Novosibirsk Expocenter organized by The Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies(SSUGT). As a part of the event, on April 20, the 8th International conference “Early warning and crises management in the Big Data era” was organized by CEW&CM. Conference started commission chairman M. Konecny by keynote speech “The role of geoinformatics and cartography in disaster risk reduction (based on the Sendai Framework)”. Next 14 papers, all interesting ones, like Development of warning and rapid response system elements for the city of Novosibirsk from authors A. Dubrovsky, V. Nikitin, O. Malygina, SSUGT, Novosibirsk, Russia and Real-time emergency situation monitoring based on remote sensing data from D. Zavyalova, O. Novikova, Siberian Centre “SRC “Planeta”, Novosibirsk, Russia and others. Conference was attended by almost 100 participants, many of them students and doctorands. Strong support was devoted to the event by deputy presiddent of SSUGT Igor Musichin, prof. D. V. Lisickij, Director of the Research Institute for Strategic Development, and associate professor S.Jankelevich, head of cartographic department.

From left to right: Gottfried Konecny, former president of ISPRS, Germany; Igor Musichin, deputy president of SSUGT, Novosibirsk, Russiaa;Günther Schmitt, former DVW Vice-President; Milan Konecny, former President of ICA, Commission EW&CM Chairman; Volker Schwieger, FIG,Commission 5 Chairman
Commission Program Stream in Geospatial World Forum 2017 in Hyderabad, India. January 23-25, 2017.
Geospatial World Forum is the only conference covering the entire spectrum of geospatial technologies, workflows, policies and practices in one global platform. Founded in Hyderabad in 2007, the conference has travelled to Amsterdam, Geneva, Lisbon and Rotterdam. Celebrating a decade of inception, Geospatial World Forum 2017 came back to Hyderabad. The event was organized by Geospatial Media and Communications, and co-hosted by Survey of India and Indian Space Research Organization — giving it great governmental leverage and support.
The 10th edition of Geospatial World Forum, held January 23-25, 2017 at Hyderabad International Convention Centre, highlighted the value and power of geospatial technology as an enabler in addressing global economic and socio-economic issues.
With 3,000 high-profile delegates from global geospatial community, policy makers, academia, researchers, technology providers, solution providers, and end-user segments across industries, regions and communities targeted, the forum featured large-scale conference and exhibition, top-ranked keynote speakers, major industry segments, high-level discussion programs and various social networking events.
In the 2017 the headline title was "Geospatial + Deep Learning: Shaping Smarter World", January 23-25 2017. Researchesr, experts and industrial leaders from from 56 countries,763 organizations and 60 exhibitors attended.
ICA traditionally participated, first time by two symposiums.
First stream with strong ICA participation was Digital Cartography Summit, Scientific Symposium on NextGen Cartography, which was leaded by Menno-Jan Kraak, president of ICA and Christian Heipke, president of ISPRS, with speakers based or cooperated with ICA, like Timothy Trainor,former ICA V-P, Swarna Subba, Director General, Survey India, Mark Cygan, ESRI, Ed Parsons, GOOGLE UK, and others.
Second symposium Climate Change and Disaster Management was initiated by ICA Commission Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management and organized together with Indian organizers - India Meteorological Department, and Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. Important and influential support was provided by Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Ms. Deepali Roy and Ms. Megha Datta. In every of three sessions participated 55-60 specialists. Symposium Web page:
Symposium was held on January 24 in 3 sessions. The first session Geoinformation and cartography in early warning and disaster management, was moderated and started by keynote speech of Milan Konecny (Chair of ICA CCEW&cm], titled:
The Strategic Challenges of Early Warning and Crises Management in the Advent of Big Data Era: Geoinformatics and Cartographic Ambitious. Other keynotes have been delivered by Michael Goodchild,Emeritus Professor of Geography, University of California, USA (image 3), titled: Successful Response Starts with a Map, Shailesh Nayak, Distinguished Scientist, Ministry of Earth Sciences, India (image 2): Mitigating Tsunami Risk in the Indian Ocean, KJ Ramesh, Director General, India Meteorological Department, India: Climate Risk Management: Challenges & Opportunities for India, Akhilesh Gupta, Adviser & Head, SPLICE & Climate Change Programme, Department of Science & Technology, India (image 3): S&T Capacity Building in Climate Change in India and Michele Campagna, Associate Professor of Spatial Planning, University of Cagliari, Italy (image 3): Volunteered Geography in Spatial Planning and Design.
The second session Geo-information as actionable information for disaster and climate change resilience was moderated by Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Distinguished Scientist, Ministry of Earth Sciences, India. The speeches have been done by and named: Gopal Raman Iyengar, Scientist-G, Ministry of Earth Sciences and M. Mohapatra, Sc. G (Services), Indian Meteorological Department: IMD's information Mechanism to Address the Disaster & Climate Change Issues; G.S. Srinivasa Reddy, Director, Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre: The Application of ICT Tools for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Mitigation Karnataka Model; Steve Laming, Managing Director, Aerial Survey Limited, New Zealand: Reviewing the impact of the New Zealand earthquakes Lidar/photogrammetry; Steven Ramage, Senior External Relations Manager, Group on Earth Observations(GEO), Switzerland: Earth observations policy, strategy and data considerations for climate change resilience; Freddy M. Pranajaya, Deputy Director, Innovation, Space Flight Laboratory, Canada and Vijay Choudhury, Sales Engineer (3D Documentation), FARO, India: FARO Applications on Disaster Management.
Third session titled Securing habitats and resources was moderated by Basanta Shrestha, Director, Strategic Cooperation Directorate, International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal. He delivered also first speech titled: Geospatial Technology - Taking the Pulse of the Himalayas. Other speeches have been done by and titled: M. Bhutiyani, Director, Defence Terrain Research Laboratory, and Michael Mayer, Assistant Director International Sales, RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems, Austria: UAV-based multi-sensor survey of disaster locations for first-responder support; Zhang Le, Director, Forestry GIS Application Department, KQ GEO Technologies, China: Topic: Applications of GIS in Forest Disaster Prevention; Puri Vasan, Scientist ‘D’, Indian Meteorology Department, India: Monitoring the Atmospheric Water Vapour in Real Time Using Ground Based Trimble GNSS Network; Omkar Parishwad, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Pune, India: Climate change impact on urban areas by assessment of Urban Green Spaces in Indian cities; G. Prasad Babu, Founder & CEO, Geo Climate Risk Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Need of Location based services in Emergency and Humanitarian Response.
In the symposium participated also founder of GWFs, Dr. M.P. Narayan (image 3),
Positives of the symposium have been rich discussions after every session and highlightning of the importance of cartography in solving contemporary climatic change and disaster management. Also topics of U.N. DRR Conference in Sendai, 2015 were highlighted and Research Agendy of CCEW&CM followed.
Image 1: Dr. Shailesh Nayak, India, during his speech.

Image 2: Dr Akhilesh Gupta, Department of Science & Technology, India delivering his speech.

Image 3: (from left to right): Prof. Michael Goodchild, USA, Dr M Bhutiyani, Director, Defence Terrain Research Laboratory, India; Dr. M.P. Narayan, Founder of GWFs and Geospatial Media organization, India; and Prof. Michele Campagna, Cagliari University, Italy
The International Conference on Cartographic Visualization of Big Data for Early Warning and Disaster/Crisis Management Nanjing Normal University. (EW&CM). Oct 28, 2016.
The International Conference on Cartographic Visualization of Big Data for Early Warning and Disaster/Crisis Management (EW&CM) was held successfully at the Nanjing Normal University at Oct 28, 2016. The conference was organized by the International Cartographic Association(ICA) - Commission Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management (CCEW&CM) and School of Geography Science of Nanjing Normal University, co-organized by Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Ministry of Education), Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Jiangsu Association for the Sciences of Remote sensing, Geographic information system, Jiangsu Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography and Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
The opening ceremony of the conference was held in the Jing Wen Library East report hall which is located in Xianlin Campus of Nanjing Normal University in the morning of October 27th, chaired by Professor Tang Guoan, the Dean of School of Geography Science of Nanjing Normal University and Conference President. At the conference, professor Tian Lixin, vice president of Nanjing Normal University, and professor Milan Konecny, Chairman of ICA Commission Cartography on Early Warning and Crises Management (Former President of ICA), Professor László Zentai, Secretary-General of ICA, gave speeches. After the opening of the conference, Prof. Sálvano Briceño, Chairman of Science Committee of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk - IRDR organization (and former President of ISDRS (The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)), professor László Zentai (Vice-Dean), and Prof. Jiping Liu, Vice-Chairman of CCEW&CM and Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, respectively made presentations by the topics of: Contribution of Big Data and Geo-information to Reducing Disaster Risk, Challenges of modern cartography and Discovery and Integration of Disaster-related Geospatial Data from Web.
The experts and scholars of the conference came from around the world - Professor Milan Konecny, Dr. Christophe Lienert, Vice-Chair of CCEW&CM and Deputy Head of Section Water Resources Management Flood (expert member at the Cantonal Operational Headquarters), Professor Temenoujka Bandrova of University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia (President of Bulgarian Cartographic Association), Prof. Rajib Shaw, Executive Director of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), Professor Li Jing, Beijing Normal University and Director of International S&T Cooperation Base of Disaster Reduction and Sustainable Development, Professor Liu Ping, National Institute of Emergency Management/China-EU Institute of Emergency Management, Chinese Academy of Governance, Dr. Bai Tao, Asia Council President and Global Business Director of International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). They respectively made presentations by the topics of: Integrated GIS,Web-services,and Interactive Real-Time Maps in Natural Hazard Early Warning, Cartographic Visualization for Disaster Management Response, Enhancing the last mile communication: Link of science and society, Disaster Mapping based on fusion of multi-source and multi-temporal remote sensing data at decision level and Emergency Management in China and so on.
The number experts and scholars who come from around the world of this conference is around 70. They gave speeches on the topics of Geographic Modeling for Early Warning of Disaster, Earth Observation Technologies for Crisis Management, Real-time Location based Big Data Analysis, Visualization for Disaster Management and Cartographic Methods and Techniques for Early Warning and Disaster Management. Nanjing Normal University Professor Chen Min chaired the Panel Discussion, and the members of the conference expressed their views. The conference promotes the mutual learning of each other and enhance the friendship between the participants.
The closing ceremony was chaired by the co-chairman of the conference, Professor Milan Konecny and Professor Chen Min, the main conference organizer, Nanjing Normal University, at Oct 28 afternoon. At the closing ceremony, the scholars of various countries summarized the content of the general assembly, exchanged of experience, and expressed their feelings.
Invitation to Pre-ICC Joint Workshop
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I would like to invite you for Pre-ICC (International Cartographic Conference) Joint Workshop of the ICA Commission on Cartography in Early Warning and Crises Management (CCEW&CM), and GEO (Group of Earth Observations) which will be held on Sunday, July 2nd, 2017 from 8.30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Washington Marriott Wardman Park hotel, 2660 Woodley Park Road, Washington, District of Columbia 20008 USA, Virginia A room.
The title of the Disaster Workshop event is:
“Disaster Management, Big Data, Services, and Cartographic Representation".
In cooperation with GEO, we arranged topic speakers leaded by Ms. Barbara Ryan, the GEO Secretariat Director, and Mr. Craig Fugate, former FEMA (USA) administrator. Keynotes deal with better, faster and smarter solutions in Big Data Era and also with international collaboration and hyper-partnering for Disaster Risk Reduction and according agenda defined by Sendai U.N. Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction . Also research agenda of the ICA CCEW&CM will be presented by commission chairman.
We also invited specialists and experts in cartography and GI sciences and remote sensing, investigating various topics connected with workshop agenda, such as: problems with help of geospatial information for disaster risk management, investigation on positioning technologies for emergency rescue, cartographic generalization and visualization for disaster management response, web information acquisition and data integration , disaster risk, impact and recovery mapping supported by data and information from Space, geodisasters for capacity building dealing with Big Data, from satellites, drones and others, to products, attempts of new paradigm to access and interact with disaster related data services, and using data as well as design of new approaches inside the research frontiers efforts like Smart Cities from Japan, U.S.A., P.R. of China, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Chile, South Africa.
In this Workshop, there are also inspiring speeches from important organizations dealing with early warning, crises management and civil protection, like NASA, World Bank and U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Our workshop is a part of ICC2017. Its registration and payment 30 USD in addition to the Registration part of ICC. More information about the Research Agenda of our ICA CCEW&CM (http://icaci.org/commissions/ or and for the details of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), finally for information about the Group on Earth Observation (GEO).
PLEASE, read the agenda and inform and invite also other interesting specialist about our Disaster workshop event.
GEO Workshop CoordinatorMilan KONECNY
ICA CCEW&CM Chairman

The workshop of ICA Commission Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management (CEW&CM) was held successfully as a pre-conference activity of ICC 2019 in Tokyo and Tsukuba on July 13 and July 14, 2019.
Prof Jiping Liu from Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, P.R. China was elected as the chairman of CEW&CM.
The pre-conference workshop of ICC 2019 was held successfully on July 13-14, 2019 in Tokyo and Tsukuba, which was organized by ICA Commission Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management (CEW&CM). The two-day workshop was sponsored by KUKUSAI KOGYO Co., LTD, and Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI).
The workshop, tilted as Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Challenges for Cartography in Big Data Era, had 11 keynote speeches. More than 50 participants around the world had academic exchanges and heated discussions by focusing on disaster dynamic mapping, international disaster reduction cooperation, disaster big data processing and standardization and integration etc. After the keynote speeches, the participants made a technical visit to KUKUSAI KOGYO Co., LTD and GSI Science Museum to have a better understanding of the practices and experiences of the Japanese government and companies in early warning and emergency management.
On July 20, 2019, a good news was conveyed that Prof Jiping Liu was elected as the chairman of CEW&CM by the General Assembly of ICA.
Prof. Milan Konecny and Prof. Jiping Liu publicized the latest scientific research achievements of CEW&CM in the fields of comprehensive disaster reduction services, multi-source government resource integration, Internet geographic information mining, and geospatial big data management in recent years. This workshop provided a great platform to each participant to learn about the international academic frontiers in disaster prevention and mitigation, mapping and GIS, and broaden the research ideas and academic vision of the participants.
Prof. Milan Konecny from University of Masaryk, Czech Republic gave lectures about Early Warning, Crises Management and Disaster Risk Reduction
October 10-16, 2019, Beijing, China
Invited by:
Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping
Organized by:
Commission on Cartography in Early Warning and Crises Management (CEW&CM)
On October 10-16, 2019, with the invitation of the Government Geographic Information System Research Center (9202) of Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM), Dr. Milan Konecny, professor of geography at Masaryk University, Czech Republic, came to CASM to give lectures on seven topics:
- Early Warning, Crises Management and Disaster Risk Rewduction: U.N.
- World Geo-Aspects of Emergencies, Risks, Disasters and Crises.
- Geospatial Data, Tools for Filling up of Requests. Situational Awareness, information and Analysis of Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (FEMA example).
- BIG DATA Potentials in Early Warning and Crises Management.
- Global, Regional and Local geospatial projects and role of cartography and geoinformatics. Methodologhy Concepts of SDI: past, today, tomorrow.
- Geoinformation Strategies of the States: targets, building, realization as a synergy with SDIs.
- The trends of Cartography Development.
This lecture provides a great opportunity for Chinese technical personnel, technical management personnel, relevant professional students, etc. to understand the international frontier emergency mapping security software and hardware environment and equipment, key technologies, rules and regulations, organizational implementation strategies, core technology products. This lecture is of great value to contribute to the development of Early Warning, Crises Management and Disaster Risk Reduction from the aspect of China.
The workshop on Capacity Building of Emergency Mapping Support in Asian region was successfully held in Kunming, Yunnan, China
on November 10-16, 2019
The workshop on Capacity Building of Emergency Mapping Support in Asian region, organized by Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM), ICA Commission on Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management (CEW&CM) and Beihang University, was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province on November 10-16, 2019.
Wang Weiguo, deputy director of the Natural Resources Department of Yunnan Province, Peng Zhenzhong, Secretary General of the China Society of Surveying and Mapping, Dean Jing Guifei of Beidou Silk Road College of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Vice President Wu Lan of CASM attended the opening ceremony. More than 20 foreign books from Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Bangladesh and Singapore, as well as more than 200 Chinese scholars from Yunnan Province in surveying and mapping, land and other fields participated in the workshop.
The training lasted for five days and aimed to share and exchange knowledge, data, technology and experience in geographic information technology services and disaster prevention and mitigation, and promote international cooperation in emergency mapping technology in the Asian region. During the meeting, researchers from China Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Yunnan Normal University and other scientific research institutions and universities, as well as representatives from China's surveying and mapping, North Branch Sky and other high-tech companies in China, conducted 12 lectures and introduced the comprehensive disaster reduction intelligent services, Beidou navigation and GNSS support services emergency mapping support, China's domestic mapping equipment system and disaster reduction applications, domestic drones and laser radar services for disaster reduction and remote sensing images, as well as the latest technology and application progress in automatic high-precision extraction and disaster monitoring, global geographic information resource construction and application, land tenure investigation and real estate registration information platform construction.
Dr Wang Yong, the member representative of CEW&CM made a presentation of Design and Application of Integrated Disaster Reduction Intelligent Services. In order to strengthen mutual understanding, the academic conferences of the participants were specially organized during the training session. The trainees from different countries introduced and communicated their national mapping and remote sensing technologies and their applications in disaster mitigation, resource management and government decision-making. In addition, the training also organized participants to go to the Yunnan Basic Geographic Information Center, Yunnan Remote Sensing Information Center, and Southern Surveying and Mapping Yunnan Branch to conduct on-site technical discussions, and to understand in detail the development of China's surveying and mapping hardware and software equipment and its application in provincial disaster reduction. Finally, Dr. Ji guifei and Dr. Wang Yong presented certificates for each participants.
The 6th The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services was successfully held
on November 13-14, 2019 in Beijing, China
The 6th UPINLBS(The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services), organized by Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture , and the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing of Wuhan University, was successfully held in Beijing. This conference was also supported by IEEE, ISPRS, ICA Commission on Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management (CEW&CM) GLAC and ICAACI. More than 230 experts, scholars, teachers and students from the fields of universal positioning, indoor navigation and location services from China, Canada, Italy, South Korea, Nepal, Japan, Australia and other countries and regions gathered to share and exchange ideas related to positioning and navigation. The discussion focused on 16 directions such as "precise positioning and navigation theory and method", "emergency positioning and location service technology" and "BDS/GNSS smart city seamless positioning". It covered theoretical research and industrial applications in smart city Internet of Things, robots/unmanned driving, indoor/outdoor/underground seamless positioning and emergency positioning, and brought together the latest progress and academic achievements in current international research on universal positioning, indoor navigation and location service.
In the "Emergency Positioning and Location Service Technology" sub-forum, Dr. Shenghua Xu of Chinese Academy of Survey and Mapping (CASM), on the behalf of Chair Jiping Liu of CEW&CM, made a report on Research on the Integrated Disaster Reduction Intelligent Service System, and Dr. Jie Zhen made a report on Key Techniques of Ubiquitous Positioning and Navigation for Emergency Application. Dr. Chunyang Liu made a report on Deep Learning for Spatial-temporal Sequential Recommendation and Location Prediction.
Announcement of the Seminar on Intelligent Emergency Surveying
and Disaster Risk Reduction Mapping Service
December 10-12, 2019
Huandao Tide Hotel, Haikou City, Hainan Province, China
Since the countries in Asian regions are currently facing the challenges of frequent disasters, it is more important to fast and intelligent surveying and mapping. In order to improve the capability of emergency mapping support of Asian countries in response to sudden disasters, the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping organizes the Seminar on Intelligent Emergency Surveying and Disaster Reduction Mapping Service, which focuses on exploring new theories, technologies, methodologies and products for intelligent emergency surveying and disaster reduction mapping services because of the significance of rapid perception, accurate measurement, intelligent analysis and forecasting and warning of geospatial information in the process of natural disasters and urban emergency response management. This seminar would provide a technical exchange platform for improving intelligent emergency surveying and disaster reduction mapping in developing countries in Asia.
一、Conference Theme
- Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness, Prevention, Alert, Response and Mitigation
- Multi-Dimension Disaster Information Processes Intelligent Modelling, Applications and Services
- Geospatial Analysis and Data Mining
- Intelligent and self-adaptive Disaster Cartography
- Disaster Risk Analyses and Mapping Using Social Big Data
- Mobile Disaster Cartography
- Disaster Big Data Processing and Sharing
- Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications for Disaster-related Cartography
- Adaptive Emergency Positioning
- Intelligent Management of Disaster Models
Nearly 50 experts from China, Russia, Poland, Switzerland, and Japan will attend the seminar of Intelligent Emergency Surveying and Disaster Reduction Mapping Service (Five foreign experts are planned).
1.Organizers: ICA Commission on Cartography in Early Warning and Crises Management, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
2.Co-organizers: Hainan Administration of Surveying Mapping And Geoinformation, Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography Instrument and Equipment Committee
10th December: Registration
11-12th December: Opening Ceremony, Report Exchange, Technical Visit
13th December: Return
五、Contact Information
Contact Person: Xianghong Che, Mengmeng Liu
Email:chexh.15b@gmail.com liuflame123@gmail.com
Phone:+86 18211022814, +86 18697707387
Address: No. 28, Lianhuachi West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
The Seminar on Intelligent Emergency Mapping and Disaster Risk Reduction Mapping Services was successfully held on December 10-13, 2019 in Haikou City, Hainan Province, China
The seminar on Intelligent Emergency Mapping and Disaster Reduction Mapping Service sponsored by Chinese Academy of Surveying (CASM) and Mapping and the Early Warning and Disaster Management Committee of the International Cartographic Association (CEW&CM) was held in Haikou City, Hainan Province. The leaders of Hainan Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information Bureau, Yue Jianli, Deputy Director, Wu Qiong, Vice President of CASM Wu Lan , Chair of CEW&CM Liu Jiping, attended the opening ceremony. About 40 experts (including 4 foreign guests) from China, Poland, Switzerland, and Japan engaged in this seminar.
The three-day seminar focused on the two aspects of "smart emergency" and "disaster mitigation mapping". Experts and scholars were invited to explore cutting-edge ideas and practical technologies, build consensus, improve the intelligence of developing countries in Asia and provide emergency communication about mapping and disaster reduction mapping. At the conference, experts and professors from scientific research institutions and universities such as the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, AGH University of Science and Technology of Poland, Wuhan University, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as from the ICA Early Warning and Crisis Management Mapping Committee, Japan Geospatial Information Agency. Totally, 15 academic presentation were made to improve the rapid sensing, accurate measurement, intelligent analysis, and forecasting and early warning of geospatial information in the process of emergency response management. In addition, in order to strengthen mutual understanding, experts and scholars were also arranged during the seminar to go to Hainan Nanning Surveying, Mapping and Geographical Information Bureau to conduct on-site technical discussions, and had a detailed understanding of the development of surveying and mapping software and hardware equipment in China and its application in provincial emergency disaster reduction.
Experts and scholars at this seminar shared their technologies and experiences in intelligent disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency mapping support, and focused on disaster management and emergency preparedness, prevention, alerting, response and mitigation, and intelligent and adaptive disaster mapping. In-depth discussions on geographic information technology and applications will benefit and inspire each other, and jointly improve the ability of countries to effectively respond to various disasters. It is of great significance to improve the overall response efficiency of relevant emergency mapping and disaster reduction mapping in Asia, and jointly create a better future for humanity.
Prof. Dr. Philippe De Maeyer was invited to visit and make exchanges with Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping on December16, 2019, Beijing, China.
On December 16, 2019, at the invitation of Chair of CEW&CM Liu Jiping, Prof. Philippe De Maeyer from the University of Ghent, Belgium, came to Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping to give a report entitled "A Vector Method for Flood Risk Modeling". Prof. Philippe De Maeyer is a full-time professor at the University of Ghent, Belgium. In 2019, he was elected as the Vice President of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the liaison of CEW&CM.
Prof. Philippe De Maeyer's report states that flood risk must be understood as the combination of the probability that a flood occurs and the extent of its consequences. Flood risks can be determined for different categories of consequences. The most common categories are the economic consequences and the human loss, but there are also other categories that must be considered, such as social, ecological and cultural risk.
Ghent University developed different methods for the calculation of flood risk. A first one, LATIS, is a raster based method and it is used today by different governmental authorities in Belgium. As other raster models, the main downfall of such an impact assessment tool is that raster approach cannot effectively handle multiple metadata of vital infrastructures, crucial buildings, and vulnerable land use (among other challenges).
For this reason, researchers at Ghent University developed a new method, FLIAT® (FLood Impact Assessment Tool). It uses a vector approach, linked to a relational database using open source program languages, which can perform parallel computation, allowing the immediately computing of the impact of floods on a community. It can manage multiple detailed datasets, whereby there is no loss of geometrical information. Beside different categories of risk calculation, the model allows also the calculation of priority maps using multi-criteria analysis.
Prof. Milan Konecny and Prof. Temenoujka Bandrova visited the Department of Surveying and mapping, China University of Petroleum From November 27 to December 2, 2019, Qingdao, China
From Nov. 27 to Dec 2, 2019 Prof. Milan Konecny, Former president of ICA and ISDE and Prof. Temenoujka Bandrova, Vice president of ICA and Treasurer of ISDE visited Prof. Dr. HUANG Binghu from Department of Surveying and Мapping, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao. They delivered lectures to the students on topics of Cartography and EWCM. Later both guests donated 2 Bulgarian school atlases, authored by prof. Bandrova and published by DataMap-Europe and 2 books on behalf of prof. Philippe de Mayer, Vice president of ICA. Prof. Konecny also delivered Chapter 15 devoted to Disaster Mitigation solution as a part of freshly published Manual of Digital Earth to visited institute and also digital version of the first World textbook about GIS from 1985. The discussions continued during their visits to the Qingdao Surveying and Mapping Institute. The Institute was presented by Yu Hai, Director of surveying and mapping branch, Qingdao Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning(QBNRP), Zhang Zhihua, Director of Qingdao Surveying & Mapping Institute (QSMI), Qingdao Geomatics Center, Ding Penghui, Vice Director of QSMI and Sun Weichen, Assist Director of QSMI. The agenda included visit the Exhibition Hall of the Map Culture and Creative Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Natural Resource, visit the Geographic information Technology Exhibition Hall, play a video about QSMI and Report on establishing Emergency Surveying and Mapping Service System of Qingdao.